Board Meeting Minutes 2/11/14

Present: Sue Wilkins (President), Meg McCann (Treasurer), Walter Fowler (Secretary), Cliff Carroll (At Large), Mike Tapp (Fire Chief)

Sue called the meeting to order and reviewed building rentals. Total for 2013 was $1,200. Sue does all the scheduling and collects the fees. There is a separate account for “Rentals” which has about $6,000 in it (exact amounts were not available at the meeting). The new water heater and expansion tank were paid for from this account.

Meg McCann presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2013 which did not include the Rental account. Total expenses were $1,666.28 and income was $5,590.00 giving a net income for the year of $3,923.72 which is very close to the $4,000.00 that NHIA received from the New Hope Fire Dept for 2013’s rent. The other major source of income was the Turkey Run ($1,430). Only $110 was received in dues which have been reduced to $5 per person per year. This year we will make an attempt to sign up more members and collect dues. Mike Doub is helping construct a database which will be instrumental in keeping up with dues-paying (and non-dues-paying) membership. Given the limited income expected from dues, we need to consider other sources of income (more fundraisers?).

Sue and Mike are planning a Community Breakfast for either the first or second Saturday of April. A final date will be chosen soon and advertising should begin as soon as we have a date. Sue wants to reduce the price from $8 per adult that was used at the last breakfast. Walter mentioned that this event was a fundraiser in the past and Cliff also expressed concern that we not lose money on the event.

Mike provided a list of building maintenance items (not necessarily in order of importance):
– Crack noted in foundation which may be enlarging
– Column on front porch noted to be separating from ceiling perhaps due to settling of porch
– Side porch/walkway – need to remove and/or replace
– Septic tank is backing up again due to wet weather
– Kitchen needs to be repainted for health reasons
– Fire alarm system will be redone for the entire building and NHIA will need to pay for our part

Mike said he will try to get estimates for repairs. Walter noted that our limited funds require that we prioritize repairs. According to the rental agreement with New Hope Fire Dept we need to be paying for the water softener, too.

The date for the next Board Meeting has not been set but Sue wants to have another meeting before the Breakfast (i.e., before the first Saturday in April).

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