Category Archives: Meetings

Membership Meeting and Talk 4/20/20

Monday, April 20, 2020, at 7 p.m. at the NHIA Building. Membership meeting that all members should attend. 

Monday, April 20, 2020, at 7:15 p.m.The Rankest Rebel Town.  Speaker: Ernest Dollar, Director, City Museum of Raleigh and M. T. Pope Museum.

Union soldiers fought their way into Chapel Hill in April 1865 under Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick (given the unflattering name of Kil-Calvary by his own soldiers).  The soldiers remained during negotiations with skirmishes in Orange County (and what is now Durham County). Learn about what life was like for soldiers and civilians at the end of the war in Orange County.  Talk is suitable for all those in middle school and up in age.

Light refreshments will be served.

Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dinner at 6:15 p.m.
Meeting at 7 p.m.

The meeting includes the election of new members to the board, year in review, and financial report.

Fried chicken provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

The meeting is open to all members and guests. Only members may vote.  Names of the candidates can be found on our Facebook page.

Membership Meeting 9/25/18

Upcoming Membership Meeting

The next Membership Meeting is Tuesday, September 25, 2018, beginning with pizza at 6:30 p.m.  Please RSVP by Monday, September 24, so we can order pizza. All RSVPs should come to

This is an important meeting, so please come.  You do not need to be a paid-up member to come.

The slate of nominees for the Board of the NHIA for the biennium 2019-2010 will be presented at this time.  Future plans for the New Hope Improvement Association building and plans for 2019 events will be discussed.

In order to vote in the upcoming election, you must be a dues-paying member of the Association.  If you have paid your dues for 2018, thank you.  If you pay your 2018 dues by September 30, 2018, you may vote.  If you pay your dues after September 30, 2018, your dues are credited to 2019, and you may not vote.

If you have any questions about your dues status or other questions, please contact

The Board encourages you to come.

Spring Membership Meeting 4/17/18

New Hope Improvement Assoc.

Spring Membership Meeting

Tuesday April 17 at 7 p.m.
NHIA building
4014 Whitfield Rd.

Topics include:

  • a review of the fun events held already this year including the April picnic at Blackwood Farm Park
  • planned events for the summer and fall
  • plan a work day to install fencing this spring  and new landscaping this fall
  • ascertain interest in a local history talk, presentations by community members on new businesses, and other topics of interest
  • reminder about the use of this building as Patterson Precinct polling place
Dessert will be provided.  Come meet your neighbors and help us plan events that interest the New Hope community.

Membership Meeting 3/21/17

Tuesday March 21 at 7 pm: Membership meeting and dessert

Business items include the election of a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is chosen by the membership. If you are willing to serve, please contact any Board member.

Business meeting will be followed by a potluck dessert. Bring a dessert to share. Plates, bowls, napkins, spoons and forks provided.

Bring a neighbor! Bring a friend!  Upcoming events at NHIA will be reviewed. Are there other ways that the Association can meet the needs of the community? Please bring your thoughts and suggestions.

NHIA Election Nominations

President Gail Boyarsky, Vice President Alison Windram and At-Large Board Members Steve Herman and Ed Tostanoski have one year remaining on their two-year terms.

The following candidates have agreed to run for the following positions:
Secretary – Suzanne Sauter
Treasurer – Lindsay Carroll
At Large – Jim Worrell
At Large – Walter Fowler
At Large – Alice Freeland
At Large –  Kay Tapp

Please come and vote on these candidates and on the new bylaws at the NHIA Membership meeting on 11/15/16 at 7 pm.

If you’re unable to attend but would like to submit a proxy vote, a ballot can be obtained here.